J’ai associé quelques citations aux photos (pour le côté drôle) -- on dit que les Anglais ont le sens de l’humour, alors, pas d’offense… D’un autre côté, je me dis qu’il faut faire preuve de grande humilité pour porter pareils couvre-chefs.
~ Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
Peut se trouver le conseil d'un prince.
~ Charles Cahier (1856)
Les diplomates sont des bébés en chapeaux de soie qui jouent avec de la dynamite.
~ Alexander Woolcott
Le prix du chapeau n'est pas en rapport avec la cervelle qu'il coiffe.
~ Proverbe américain
Si tu te trompes de chapeau, assure-toi au moins qu'il te va. ~ Proverbe irlandais
À une dame qui me demandait une explication j'ai répondu: «Expliquez-moi votre chapeau». ~ Jean Cocteau
~ Eduardo Hughes Galeano (Sens dessus dessous. L'école du monde à l'envers; 1998)
Quand on sait que les soldats de la garde royale britannique portent des chapeaux à poils, on est soulagé de constater que la reine porte des chapeaux à plumes.
~ Philippe Geluck (Le chat)
~ Charles Dickens
** First World Country, Third World Living; by Taytula Burke, May 2013
(...) As it stands, there are already 13 million people in the UK living below the poverty line; half of those are actually in employment. However, the government is calling for us all (excluding the wealthy) to pull in our belts so tight it may actually cut us in two. With the welfare system about to undergo an extreme makeover; and many public services (including the jobs they generate) being scrapped, is Great Britain about to become Grim Britain?
According to MGM Advantage, if you want to just maintain the standard of living that you had last year, you will need to spend an extra £678! So where is this money supposed to come from? With the price of food, rent and travel all increasing, but wages and benefits going in the opposite direction, it seems we are being asked to become conjurers of some sort.
The Office of National Statistics released figures stating that the cost of food is rising three times faster than the average wage. Many families are now faced with a tough choice: beans or bills. Who would have thought that the supermarkets’ buy one get one free deals were still out of the budgets of some of the people living in this country? To combat this, food banks are popping up quicker than spring daffodils, but are still unable to reach some of the country’s neediest. The thing about food banks is that they are primarily charitable organisations who have to fundraise and rely on the good will of ordinary folk to keep them afloat. The other problem is that with them working on a referral only basis, people who are not in touch with services for any reason have no way accessing the emergency supplies. (…)
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