13 février 2015

Des amours simples

Des amours sans détours ni hypocrisie ni mensonges. Qui dit mieux?

«Les chiens aiment leurs amis et mordent leurs ennemis, contrairement aux gens, qui sont incapables d’amour pur et doivent toujours mixer amour et haine.» ~ Sigmund Freud

«Les chiens entrent et sortent de nos vies pour nous enseigner sur l’amour et le deuil. Le nouveau chien ne remplacera jamais le vieux chien, mais il ouvrira encore plus notre cœur. Si vous avez aimé plusieurs chiens, votre cœur est immense.» (~ ?)
«Celui qui a dit que le bonheur ne s’achetait pas avait oublié les chiots.»
~ Gene Hill
Photos ci-après : Shyba (Instagram).

Bonne Saint-Valentin, quelle que soit votre compagnie!

En complément (les photos sont amusantes!) via :

Pour une traduction qui a de l’allure : http://www.freetranslation.com/fr/

10 Reasons Dogs Make The Best Valentine’s Dates
By Lisa Spector

When you are single on February 14th, all the romance advertising can make you feel that you need a date on Valentine’s Day to be happy. But, the truth is, your best Valentine’s date is already greeting you at the door when you come home, he just might happen to have four legs.

1. Dogs will never be late for dinner. A dog wouldn’t even think of coming home late for dinner. Are you kidding? He’ll, in fact, always be early for dinner.

2. Dogs don’t really care whether you spend an hour or a minute preparing their food. I have to admit, my dogs aren’t picky eaters. After all, they are Labs. While I often do put in extra time preparing their meals, they are just as happy to eat food that takes less than minute to serve.

3. Dogs are always happy to greet you. If you are a pet parent, you know what I’m talking about. No matter what, your dog is always happy to see you when you come home. It doesn’t matter if you just went out to check the mail, or you’ve been at work all day. A dog will greet you as if you are the best thing that ever happened to him, because you are.

4. It doesn’t matter what you are wearing. Don’t feel like getting dressed up and wearing those uncomfortable red heels? No worries. Your dog will appreciate you just as much in your PJ’s, your sweats, or your stylish clothes. It just doesn’t matter. In fact, he won’t even notice and think you’re just as hot without those red stilettos.

5. Your dog will always prefer to kiss you over a younger woman. Are you maturing and starting to show your age? Your dog won’t notice. You are still his best friend and he’d prefer to go home with you than the 30-something year old that just moved in down the street. And he didn’t notice what she was wearing either.

6. Dogs are very happy watching chick flicks. Want to watch “Thelma and Louise” one more time on Valentine’s Day? No problem. Your dog will happily cuddle up next to you on the sofa and tune in. Ok, he might fall asleep. But, he won’t be asking to watch The Terminator.

7. Dogs don’t ask you to wash the floor or the dishes.
They wouldn’t even think of asking you to clean the floor. In fact, they’ll jump right in and clean it for you before you can even grab the mop. And they don’t expect anything in return. My dog Sanchez even loves to wash the dishes as they are being loaded into the dishwasher.

8. Dogs don’t want anything from you in bed. Ok, your dog might want to sleep with you. But, once in bed, that’s all he wants. Dogs are truly content just for the opportunity to snuggle with you in bed. And, he’ll think you look and smell gorgeous in the morning.

9. Dogs don’t care about your body type or size. Gained a few pounds over the holidays? Your dog doesn’t even notice. In fact, he might even be enjoying it if you are eating more than normal. That’s more opportunity for him to sneak in a few extra dropped morsels.

10. Finding your Valentine’s date is as easy as visiting your local shelter. Don’t have a date or a dog on Valentine’s Day? No problem. Visit your local animal shelter or rescue organization. There will always be a dog waiting for you, ready to go to his/her forever home. Who knows? You might just be bringing home the love of your life.

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