18 novembre 2012

Grandeur et humilité

Note 21.11.12 : la vidéo publiée au départ "Are We Alone?" a changé pour celle-ci - je ne sais trop pourquoi. Pour la voir visitez le site "The Rabbit Hole".


Voilà une vidéo qui nous ramène à notre juste place... !

Allez faire un tour… des sujets d’intérêt en abondance :

Description de l'éditeur:

THE RABBIT HOLE features fast-paced and mind-blowing explorations of BIG questions - What is death? Who is God? Is life an illusion? Are we alone in the universe? Using visually-stunning graphics and music, we fall down the rabbit hole as Deepak Chopra provides his unique and intriguing take on some of humanity's eternal questions.

THE CHOPRA WELL is a new Youtube channel created to encourage people to live healthier, fuller lives and to be more aware. Deepak, Mallika and Gotham Chopra, as well as many other friends and experts, join together in this inspiring project for personal and global transformation. The channel features daily shows about spirituality, wellness, Healthy living, humor, and much more.

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