11 juin 2017

Pour extraire la vérité

Il faut passer le mensonge à la centrifugeuse. 

«La vérité à demi ne vaut rien, il la faut toujours entière.»
(Vingt-quatre heures de la vie d'une femme)

«On peut appartenir à son peuple, mais quand les peuples sont devenus fous, on n'est pas obligé de l'être en même temps qu'eux.»
(La contrainte)

~ Stefan Zweig (1881-1942)

«Vous pouvez cacher la vérité ou vous en cacher, mais vous ne pouvez la changer d'aucune manière.» ~ Ashleigh Brilliant

«Quand Donald Trump traite quelqu'un de menteur, il sait de quoi il parle.»
~ Stéphane Laporte (Mon clin d'oeil, La Presse 12 juin 2017)   

Caricature : Dave Granlund ǀ Comey vs Trump

James Comey, a Washington Operator, Knows How to Play the Game

Mattathias Schwartz, Ryan Devereaux
June 8 2017, 3:00 p.m.

Former FBI Director James Comey cut an impressive figure during his sworn testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday. His presentation was poised, low-key, and almost cold-blooded as he laid out what amounted to a meticulously constructed case against President Donald Trump. Two overflow rooms and multiple live network broadcasts suggested that Comey’s mastery of public relations and the theater of government rivaled that of his former boss. The image of a decent government man dutifully saying his piece stood in defiant contrast to the atmosphere of vulgarity and naked self-interest that Trump has brought to the Oval Office. [...]  
     “Circumstances: First, I was alone with the president of the United States, or the president-elect, soon to be president,” Comey went on. “The subject matter: I was talking about matters that touch on the FBI’s core responsibility and that relate to the president-elect personally. And then the nature of the person. I was honestly concerned that he might lie about the nature of our meeting, and so I thought it really important to document. That combination of things I had never experienced before, but it led me to believe I got to write it down, and I got to write it down in a very detailed way.”


Caricature : Serge Chapleau; La Presse ǀ 3 juin 2017

Will Trump’s Slow-Mo Walkaway, World in Flames Behind Him, Finally Provoke Consequences for Planetary Arson?

Naomi Klein
June 1 2017, 11:33 a.m.

[...] For months we have been hearing about the supposed power struggles between those who wanted to stay in the agreement (Ivanka, Tillerson) and those who favored leaving (Pruitt, chief strategist Steve Bannon, Trump himself). But the very fact that Tillerson could have been the voice of the “stay” camp should have exposed the absurdity of this whole charade. 
     It was oil companies like the one Tillerson worked at for 41 years whose relentless lobbying helped ensure that the commitments made in Paris lack any meaningful enforcement mechanisms. That’s why one month after the agreement was negotiated, Exxon Mobil, with Tillerson still at the helm, came out with a report stating that “we expect oil, natural gas, and coal to continue to meet about 80 percent of global demand” between now and 2040. It was a bald expression of hubris by the purveyors of business as usual. Exxon knows full well that if we want a decent chance of keeping warming below 1.5-2 degrees, the stated goal of the Paris Agreement, the global economy needs to be virtually fossil-free by mid-century. But Exxon could offer those assurances to its investors and claim it supported the agreement because it knew that the Paris accord had no binding force. [...] 
     So as we try to make sense of this latest drama, make no mistake: The Trump administration was never divided between those who wanted to shred the Paris Agreement and those who wanted to respect it. It was divided between those who wanted to shred it and those who wanted to stay in it but completely ignore it. The difference is one of optics; the same amount of carbon gets spewed either way.


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